
Showing posts from November, 2021

Revolutionary New Cold/Heat Therapy Treatment Devices

 The use of heat and cold therapy in the management of pain from injury and various medical conditions has been used for thousands of years. It is well documented that the Chinese had used heat for the relief of pain due to arthritis. The Romans wide use of bath houses for moist heat has been known for centuries. Heat therapy applied to the body is a form of therapy that is designed to increase local circulation, improve healing time, and relax joints, muscles and soft tissue. In today's world, various devices are available to achieve this result . Standard heating pads, patches, whirlpool baths and ultrasound therapy are just a few modalities that are utilized to provide uniform and continuous heat. Cold therapy applies to the body is also a form of therapy that is utilized to reduce swelling and inflammation after an injury or surgical procedure. Cold therapy also helps in the reduction of pain. In today's world, various products are used to create sustained cold therapy to

What Can Supplements and Exercises Do for Joint and Bone Health?

 Do you suffer from intense joint pain? What are you doing about it? Many people simply ignore these symptoms until it is too late. These are the signs of impending arthritis or perhaps in some cases, its nascent presence. Joint aches can certainly hamper your otherwise perfectly healthy lifestyle; therefore, the sooner you take the action the better it is. It is important to note that your joint pain will not relieve without assistance . These aches are only meant to worsen with time. The same holds true for all kinds of inflammation and soreness in your muscles and joints. In th e joint are a, once all the cartilage is depleted, your bones are no longer safeguarded. There is virtually no shock resistant mechanism left. Thus, the only way people tend to relieve themselves is by altering their lifestyle. The good part about many inflammatory conditions is that there are supplements and remedies available to reduce your joint pain. These will not only serve as great painkillers but wi

The Benefits of PEMF Treatment for Arthritis Sufferers

 There are more than 100 different types of arthritis , with millions of people suffering from some form of it. One of the biggest concerns for arthritis suffers is to find a treatment that can keep them mobile and pain free. Although there are many treatments available to maintain the condition and its symptoms, many of them can pose harmful side effects. There have been a number of clinical trials and studies in reference to Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) low-frequency treatments. PEMF uses electrical energy to stimulate cellular repair through a series of magnetic pulses. The magnetic pulsed pass through injured tissue to induce a tiny electrical signal to the cells. PEMF has shown improved mobility and less pain in arthritis sufferers over the past decade and has the studies and trials that often provide a better result than conventional treatments without the side effects. According to a double blind trial that consisted of 27 patients with osteoarthritis were treated for a